Laura Bonus

Consulting Psychologist

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Master of Professional Psychology (with Distinction)
Cool Kids Anxiety Program Accredited Provider
Certified LEGO® Based Therapy Facilitator
AHPRA Registration PSY0002602449
Medicare and NDIS Registration

Laura completed her Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at the University of Newcastle and completed her Master of Professional Psychology at Griffith University.

Laura has a warm and non-judgemental approach with children and their respective families. She seeks to help them develop the tools and strategies they need for their growth and development while building resilience in managing their mental health and emotional well-being.

Laura undertakes a variety of assessments in areas of intellectual disabilities, specific learning difficulties, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  She also provides evidenced-based therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).  And specifically, she treats common presentations such as anxiety, depression, emotional regulation difficulties, friendship concerns and bullying, self-esteem, and has recently commencing training in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Of special benefit to many families and their children, Laura is also an accredited provider of the Cool Kids Anxiety Program and a Certified LEGO® Based Therapy Facilitator.

After spending two years on the Gold Coast, Laura is happy to be back in Newcastle. She enjoys spending time with her partner and their dog, going to the beach, being in nature, cooking and horse riding.